York Castle Museum

My blog turned two years old today. Woo! I’m semi-satisfied with what I’ve done so far. That’s ok. Seeing room for improvement means forward progression. Works for me. While in York, we visited the York Castle Museum, a former debtors’ prison and a women’s prison beside one another. In addition to the gruesome histories ofContinue reading “York Castle Museum”

York: Part 2

On our first full day in York, we visited the Jorvik Viking Centre. We rode in a hanging tram that took us through a reconstructed village from York (Jorvik) in 975 AD. Sorry about the glare and poor focus. The museum and village reconstruction were dimly lit to preserve the historical artifacts. Walking over theContinue reading “York: Part 2”


Our honeymoon had to wait until our first anniversary, but my partner and I were overjoyed to finally celebrate being together. We spent a week in York, taking a train there from King’s Cross Station. When we left the hotel and looked right, this dominated the view. Clifford’s Tower was built by William the ConquerorContinue reading “York”